This line "I will already have spent part of my day in the clearing made by a few mindfully chosen words, which were thoughtfully arranged on a printed page." is poetry in itself, as are some other lines in this essay. I love Billy Collins and his very accessible poems. "Did I Miss Anything?" is a favorite. I think you'd enjoy some Ohio poets (solid, Midwestern folk!)--David Garrison, Mary Jo Werthman White, Catherine Essinger come to mind. I think the world is better for you reading poetry instead of watching the news! and for telling us about these things, showing us your sketches. Thanks!

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I’m sad about the bird.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Your words about Mary Oliver ring so true. It seems always the same lines from the same poems are quoted.

Here’s to poetry, reading aloud, and paying attention!

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Sigh of relief to read this piece, Karen. Thank you.

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Have you read Mozart’s Starling by Lyanda Lynn Haupt yet? I think you might like it. Sorry it died—I was hoping you’d teach it to talk.

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I am just now hearing about it, Laura. And I've added it to my TBR! Sounds wonderful, thank you.

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